Smart water usage is critically important in the modern world, where increasing demand for freshwater presents serious challenges. The rapid increase in freshwater withdrawal for agricultural regions and other industrial sectors has led to conflicts over water resources both within and between countries. For instance, agriculture, which consumes up to 70% of freshwater globally, requires […]

Water quality protection projects in Iowa
Water quality protection projects protect the state’s surface and groundwater resources from point and nonpoint sources of pollution.

Iowa Water Source Protection Program
The term “source water” is used to define drinking water in its original environment, either as surface water (rivers, streams, reservoirs, lakes) or groundwater (aquifers)

Water quality and protection
The quality of water and drinking water in the country has improved over the past 50 years, but challenges remain.

Water protection in the USA
An example of how one central government agency successfully performs the functions of environmental control over the use and protection of all natural resources (including water and land)

US presents international water strategy
The U.S. government has unveiled a water strategy that aims to expand access to safe drinking water and improve sanitation around the world, Voice of America reports.